Leslie Nielsen takes the lead in this monumental science fiction saga, marking the debut of the legendary Robby the Robot. This prized speed poster places the mechanical fan favorite at the forefront, presenting one of the most iconic images to emerge from 1950s posters. A creative riff on William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest,' the film is not only a loose adaptation but also a standout classic within the genre, solidifying its place as one of the greatest from that era.
It is an ultra rare, holy grail poster and in incredible condition. This poster is almost 68 years old!
As stated above and as can be seen in the photos the condition is very very fine - there are only fold lines. The imagery is the exact poster that you will be purchasing so please refer to it also.
Original Japanese paper from this highly important movie is very scarce and highly desirable; the "Speed" version has been particularly elusive. This one is in an amazing condition, with only some light fold wear keeping it from an even higher grade. With a fabulous image of one of the most iconic images to emerge from 1950s posters, this is one rarity you won't want to pass up.
Certificate of Authenticity Included.